Monday, April 14, 2014

Search Engine War

With Microsoft expanding into the search engine business, the competition has become interesting and fierce in search engine market. For years, Google had not much competition in the search engine business but now it has a reason to worry for a long term future. Even though Google is still dominating the market, Bing has grown faster in a short time. It will still take Bing years to catch up with Google but considering some of the missteps taken by Google in recent past, people have become more alert. Click this link to read more about some of the missteps taken by Google. In this situation it is nice to have couple of alternate choices like Yahoo and Bing. Both competitors are continuously making their search engines better to compete with Google. Below are some of the comparisons.

Bing uses virtual robots called spiders to map a website. Once a website is submitted to bing, the spider automatically collects all the information about that website such as content, tags, links to other pages etc and maps it. Spider can read both static and dynamic content, flash files and video content of the website. It constantly looks for updates on your website and captures them. Bing has added some features such as news, maps, images, videos etc to compete with Google.

Yahoo uses its own web-crawler technology. Yahoo also uses a selection based search in which users can use their mouse to search and the results are displayed in a moving frame. Yahoo charges certain amount to the commercial websites and non commercial websites are listed for free. Besides search, Yahoo provides range of services same as Google.

Google uses combination of technologies such as crawler, query processor and indexer. Google uses a patented algorithm called pagerank that helps rank pages to match the search string. Besides search, Google also provides features such as weather, stock quotes, maps, news, calculator, images, videos, shopping, apps, books, email, blogs etc. Google’s adword service is very popular among businesses to market their products.

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